New Year's resolutions?
2010-12-30 @ 12:36:50
Haha... I haven't visited this site since June. And I thought that I would write a note every single day. Well, everything is changing. ;)

We're at the end of the year. 2010. I usually used to think the whole year over and come up to conclusions... And I always used to say that 'I don't regret anything'. And so this year. I have nothing to feel ashamed of. I'm glad that I've lived such magical moments and these devastating too... You know what I mean.
How do you review this year?
And do you come up with any 'New Year's Resolutions'?
Well, I admit that I used to think that I don't need a special date to start something new or to get my teeth into anything. If I want to take up a sport I do it right after. If I want to change something in my behavior I just do it.
What about you?
And I want to wish you all the best and a happy New Year 'let's hope it's a good one, without any fear'! :)) ;))

Thanks for your opinion.My new year resolution?Change sth in my life...I don`t know...Maybe start training joga or find a job in other country in the summer...I have to earn money if I want to study...

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