Keep holiding on, we'll make it through
2011-01-03 @ 17:14:32
I've had a nightmare and I feel really drowsy. I'm going to describe what I dreamt about.

Last night I dreamt about my friends and family. I found out that my dad is dead but I had never got any feelings for him so I easily got it over. And then somebody sent me a message. It turned out that my friend is dead and I cried very hard. And then my sister came to me and said that she had discovered that somebody had robbed her house. I felt shocked and felt very blue. I woke up and felt that some tears have made my pillow wet. I closed my eyes again and slept until my alarm clock rang. It was terrible. I don't feel okay today, just have to sleep it off.

I wish I hadn't had such nightmare.
Do you usually have dreams and do you like them?

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