How to live right? Do you have any ideas?
2011-03-24 @ 20:20:18
Ask some people what 'life' means to them and you will get a lot of different answers. Life is not universal, for everyone it's unique. How to live right then?

"You can only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough." ~Mae West
What 'right' means to you? For me it's living in peace with yourself. But sometimes we're lost and we don't know what we want. I'm afraid we have to taste many rotten apples from a tree of choices before we figure out what we want our life to look like.

There are some rules that everyone must obey such as, for example; don't kill, don't harm anyone, don't commit crimes etc. But we have aims in our lives, and we want to live for something. Existence without any purposes would be useless. After we set our goals and we start chasing them, we cannot forget not to break down if something won't work out. The lives that we've been given are special, so we need to treat them as something unusual, as time for arises and falls.

So let's start today, but how?
It's a good idea to write down our dreams. Not only big ones, it's better to start with small steps. Every success makes us stronger and every failure as well.
If you're a student focus on things the most important for you, pay the biggest amount of your free time to them. But remember to leave some moments for doing-nothing, for caring only for yourself. Don't plan your whole life, plan only some parts of the day, not all 24-hours, so you will have time if something unexpected occurs to deal with it. And do the same with your life. Be creative. Let yourself fall sometimes, and don't forget that you're a human being, not a machine, not an animal, but thinking, feeling, living creature.

I will not write my tips for people who are mature(who have job, family, who aren't studying), for very obvious reason -> I'm not one of them I don't know what their lives are like. But I am a student and I know when I feel okay and when my mates feel fine. Basing on this I could write today's post. I'm one of you and I want to be happy, to achieve something, to lead a life as I want it to be.


Too bad for some people studying or family is the most important goal in their lives and for others it's drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes generally things that destroy health like a bomb with delayed "clock".

I can't see any point in others people lives. For example there is a bar close to my block of floats where few guys are everyday. It doesn't matter if its Sunday or Tuesday if its morning or evening they're there most of the time.

Generally life is quite booring and routine unless you do anything with it. You can sit in front of the TV after the work all days and during weekends or you can go riding a bike, working out, running, playing team sports and so on. What's your life is gonna be like depends only you doesn't it ? -.^
It does.

Everything is for people - I agree with this quote. But it depends on me, how will I use it. We should make a destination and try to reach it. Even small ones, like the "steps" You wrote about, and that will make us believe in our possibilities and make able to reach big ones.

I don't post them anywhere. Well, sometimes in our school newspaper but not often. I had a blog with a fantasy story in episodes but... I've got a feeling, which make me not give my stories to the Internet, I don't know why. Maybe it's beacuse my love to books, maybe I know that a story from the Internet is.. lost? But I agree, that it's good when You want to know the opinion of others and noone around want to read what You wrote ;)

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