From a happy day to a happy place.
2011-04-18 @ 21:50:52
I've had a really nice day so far. :) Happiness. It feels extremely good when it touches you, doesn't it?
I'm finishing my secondary school or high school /Just for the record; Secondary school and high school mean 'liceum', but the first one is British English and the second one is American. I keep forgetting it :D./
Today when I came to school I thought that there were only 3 days left, and then... Everything will go its way. I will seat Matura exam /similar to A-levels in UK but not the same/. And after that I will enjoy my holiday. :)) Well, I've chosen extended English and Polish, basic maths. That is all, for a person who wants to study philology it's enough. I need to pass it as good as I can. This is my aim.

It feels strange when you suddenly are not a little kid, and the decisions you make are yours, sooner or later you have to deal with consequences. It also feels strange when a happiness walks by your side all day long, it's a feeling of warm. Another strange thing is finishing school on April.
These things are pleasant. I hope they'll stay this way as long as it's possible.

What pleasant things, that are present in your everyday-life can you think of?

/Previous comments, actually one comment :D and my response/
Chmura wrote:
"I dream to live in Norwegian, near to fiord.."
I guess in Norway you can see some beautiful views especaily by the sea. I don't really know what this place has inside it, that beckons people to visit it. Maybe it's about culture or lifestyle, or a kind of magic prevailing in the air? There must be very cold in winter. But I guess living in a place we've always dreamt of compensates everything.

Cheers. :)

You're finishing high school/secondary school ;) this year, I will start. It goes so fast, I almost can't believe. Why philogogy - Your passion, or... why exactly this one?
I'm jealuos, You'll have holidays just after the test, and I'll have to go to school next two months... but both have advantages and disadvantages. I'll keep my fingers crossed for You :)

And at the end: answer for the question, first sentence in Your post: yes, it does! It always make me feel so good for a long long time.

Kisses :)

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