Who are you, dear reader, dear writer?
2011-04-28 @ 23:30:55
Between Ego and alter ego.
I am a person who writes here her thoughts, her notes. I can tell that I am exactly a person you think of while reading this blog. I can easily switch my topics of conversations to a different ones. I can laugh with you and cry with you, in a real life as well as here. But I've met some people in my life, and I could confront the things they write about, the person they seem to be for somebody who reads the staff they've made, with a reality. And believe me, that some of them have created a different person in this internet world. A so-called Alter Ego. This made me think.

Who are you my friend? Who are your friends?

Some people claim that they are antisocial, boring, that they've got no opinion about any particular topic, that when they are being asked about something, they usually don't know what to say. And then you visit their internet site, or a forum they've signed in, and it turns out that a person you know live, is a completely different human on the internet. What is his/her real face then? Is it even possible that our imaginary character is entirely dissimilar to what we really are? Because I think that if somebody can change his attitude to life, his behaviour in the internet world he can do it for real. What if, we people, are a thing that prevents us from being a better person, a character we've made on the internet? If we can create our alter ego on blogs or other sites, we cannot lie that we aren't able to be a person like that in a real world. We just cannot.
I know that it's easier to make a change on the internat than to make a change in a real life. But think for a moment, which progress makes you feel fulfilled and happy? Of course, not this fake one, not internet-one. But if you can do it here, you can do it not looking on the scrren of your computer, but living in a real world.

So are you sure that you know who your friends really are like?

/Previous comments and responses because on one day I obligated to replying for every comment/
what the optimistic world view. Enviable!
You end school at 29th so you take the matura exam this year. I wish you luck and I keep my fingers crossed!"
Response; Well, thanks. The fact that I take Matura exam in one week is... frightening. But I appreciate your support. ;)

I will link two comments of lodestar
Hi, I've got a question- which subject should you write on Matura exam if you want to study English? (only English, Polish and Maths or sth else?)(...)And, do you know what do you want to do after studies? Work as teacher, translator, go abroad or maybe sth else :>"
For anyone who would like to study English at a good unversity; You need to take English extended. Some schools require both English and Polish extended with basic maths /like Warsaw Univeristy/ and basing on the results they choose students. But the requirements are changing year by year, so you need to keep-up-to-date just by checking their sites. Sometmes it's enough to get 80% of English extended only, and you can sleep calmly, because they will accept you as a student. But if you want to study ad Jagiellonian University, you need to get at least 90%of extended English and about 80-85% of extended Polish. So you need to study anyway. ;)
As for my future after univeristy, well, I will tell you after I get sure that they want me in any university in Poland, okay? :D
As for dreams, I'd like to be a translator. :) Or work in business. :D
Take care. :D :)

chciałbym skontaktować się z autorem tego bloga - poszukuję ludzi chcących potestować nową aplikację do nauku j. angielskiego ... michal@lingapp.com
I don't know yet what I want to study but I considering various options.. I was thinking about studying journalism but most universities require extended history which I hate. So now I wonder about psychology and English. I think that studying English is very interesting but I'm afraid that I'm not good enough..

BTW. Your English is very nice; did you have a good teaching in school or did you lear on your own? And the last question- have you been in England to improve your language? I think about going to GB to work on holidays. Now I'm underage but maybe next year... :)

Thanks for informations about universities!
Take care ;)
I don't know yet what I want to study but I considering various options.. I was thinking about studying journalism but most universities require extended history which I hate. So now I wonder about psychology and English. I think that studying English is very interesting but I'm afraid that I'm not good enough..

BTW. Your English is very nice; did you have a good teaching in school or did you lear on your own? And the last question- have you been in England to improve your language? I think about going to GB to work on holidays. Now I'm underage but maybe next year... :)

Thanks for informations about universities!
Take care ;)
Everyone create himself like somebody he's not, even in a real life. And here, in a Internet... it's easier. Sometime being yourself in net is a kid of... try, would I be able to act this way in school, at home. Would I be brave enough to show my other sides. It's hard to show the world who you really are. But until You do it, You have to decide it. On your own.

I'll keep my fingers crossed next week for Your matura exam :)

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