Before an important exam...
2011-05-19 @ 18:55:39
I really need to convey some of my negative emotions here by writing a blog post. You see, tomorrow I'm taking an extended oral English exam and the fact that it is so soon, scares me to death. And yes, I am exaggerating. But if you were me and you knew that you need to make the most of yourself, you would be as nervous as I am right now. If you were going to study English philology and you were consciouis that 20 points out of 20 is the only score that makes you feel fulfilled, you would behave in the same way as me.
And now, if you can help me, just cross your fingers tommorow about 12:20-13:30. ;) A mental support is important. Maybe I won't get a hart attack. :)
Take care, and sorry for my post, I promise I will write you everything after tommorow's exam even if I would get less points than I expect to obtain.

I hope you got your 20/20 ;)
Today I was preparing one of my students to this exam(I'm a tutor) and she felt the same way. Fortunately, if you're going to study English, they don't take oral exams into account when you're applying to university:)
I will disappoint you Aleksandra87 because in some universities they actually do, take into account oral English exam. But I've got my 20/20 so I'm incredibly happy. :)
I'm so happy with You because of this score - well, it couldn't be better ;) Now Your way on the universities is open. congratulations!
I was at Coffeeheaven several times and I totally agree - coffee there is really good. Well, actually I have choosen the tasty one, but my friend wasn't so lucky - her... coffeeshake, or something like that, tastes like ludwik (to be honset, I've never tried to drink it, but it was exactly the taste I've imagined ludwik has).
Mine was perfect - Orca Latte, you must try it if You'll be able to :)


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