"Time telling me to say farewell... "
2011-06-19 @ 12:45:03
"... but I knew that I'd fight hell
and I know we will..."

My honeys. I need to say goodbye to you, but only for about 2 weeks. As I mentioned before, I'm leaving you on 20th June. Vienna is the place I'm heading for. :)

Today's post is not only an information about my short vacation abroad.

I wanted to write something about goodbyes. Well, you have to wait for this special post, I need to thinks some things over and then, I will write about farewells. ;)

Tak care!
Enjoy your holidays!

BTW It's good to listen to Sting while it's raining outside. So if somebody would like to taste his music, I strongly recommend these three songs: "Fields of gold", "Shape of my heart", "The pirat's bride".

All can I do is wish You the best holidays of Your life :) See as much as You can and meet interesting people, You'll never forget. Take care! ;)
PS. I like "Fields of gold"
I also like "Fields of gold" but especially sung by Eva Cassidy :) Check it, for me her version is more emotional :) To crown it all her voice is sooo calmative. And as I can see it, Sting sing this song too fast, but I love lyrics, too :)
So take care and make fun in Vienna! Benefit from life :)

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