Please forgive me, I know not what I do...
2011-07-13 @ 23:59:54
How much can you forgive? Where is the border?

It is good to have this skill, the ability to forgive and forget? It's so important to say 'sorry' although sometiems sorry seems to be the hardest part.
I encourage you to look at your attitude, not only to blame the others, but to think about your actions as well.

Being a person who is critical to herslef is a rare appearance nowadays.

Take care..

It seems so to me that I can forgive a lot but forget... It is impossible to forget about a wrongs which someone has done. Forgive and never mention - ok, but erase from memory - no.
The border? It depends situation. Maybe the border shouldn't be?
'Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, "Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?
Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.' ~ Matthew 18:21-22
It's so hard to forgive and the memory about the situation will never disappear. But I'm trying to do it - forgive, because I know, I'm not saint.
How are your holidays going? ;)
Take care
I don't know what I should write here. I think that we must forgive despite of situation
I've stopped because of next cruise I've been to - on Zatoka Gdańska and Zalew Wiślany. It was so great... I'll describe You all tomorrow ;) I hope You've spend Your summer holiday also in that nice way and You've got many nice memories to share with me ;)
Kisses and good night ;)

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