I'm coming back home.
2011-08-15 @ 00:14:14
No, there were no distant trips. Although there starts something new, something that will change my whole life.

I've been writing this blog for over a year. I've passed all tests. I've chosen my future path of education.

And here I am.
Waiting for a big shock to come. I'm leaving my current home in 3 weeks. I'll be thrown in at the deep end. What counts is that I can buoy up.

So now, I'm looking at the new beginning of my new life.
In a city where no one knows my name.

It scares and excites me at the same time.

But changes, changes are good. :)

There is a nothing else for me like to wish You good luck!
My spirit will be with you ;) I'll keep my fingers crossed for You and Your future. I wish You all dreams come true!
I was on the same place one year ago, I was a bit afraid about new place to live, unknown people, new things to learn, my studies. At first Wrocław was too big for me, I couldn't find myself for few days, weeks but after year outside my home I must admit it was... different but definetely good year! I had lucky because I met such a great people but I think in every city you have opportunity to do this but you can't close on others. You know, it's such a great feeling.. I mean dicovering new things and place. Remember you have to benefit from life, because it'll make you stronger, your experience will be your power in future :) Oh, good advice for you, learning is important, that's why you are going on major about which you dreamt, I know sth about, I'm ambitius person but on September- October you won't have many to learn, make good use from your free time, I'm sure that during exams you will miss it ;) Good luck, I know it will be full of great feelings year! :)

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