I finally know why!
2012-03-07 @ 20:50:03
Hello, hello.
Today, I've got the answer (and it's really, really THE ANSWER :D Beware!) to one of the questions tagged: 'what's eating us inside'. ;)

Or... maybe it's just about me.

Anyway, the question is, surprise, surprise: 'WHY don't successful people mention in they biographies, and in the interviews the downfalls and failures they've encountered while reaching the career ladder?
But before I write here THE ANSWER, let me quickly move to a kind of related case;
You know why we look up to THESE people, right?
Yep, we are jealous of their happy, fulfilling life.
Aaaaand, you know that all we need to do is just scratch the surface to see that the way up to the top wasn't that easy for them as we might have assumed. They are successful now, though.

Do you know what they do?

They bear in mind that the most important thing they can do is forgetting about the failures and downfalls /with the lessons learnt, you know/, is living right here, right now. Of course, they've got plans for the future, their dreams to-be-reached-yet, but they don't despair if something goes wrong. They don't cry over the spilt milk, instead, they try to find the appropriate solution if they fall into troubles. They don't simply mention their past shortcomings because they do not want to fall into despair. And that's what reminiscing and over-analising does to people. I don't mean here that we should hold off on being melancholic, on being humane. What I'm trying to explain is that the most important in our lives is and always will be, nothing but our personal success.

So if you look at your reflection in the mirror thinking that you are on the right track, and that you've already done/achieved a lot, congratulations. You're probably a young and healthy person, happy with who you are.

You know, your personal success is more significant than this visible outside while inside crying.

Take care and,
don't get me wrong. ;)

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