To facebook or not to facebook?
2012-03-14 @ 20:18:31
A short explanation I owe you, at the beginning. Yeah, there is no such a verb as 'to facebook', it was made by me purposely for this note.

Okay, a small test for You, now, just to get you in the mood. :)
Have you visited Facebook today?
How long ago did you post the last thing on your wall or on the site?

We all know Facebook, don't we?
Day by day, even if we don't post new things there, we still check. We check what our friends do, we check who changed the relationship status, we check if somebody new 'liked' our update, we check for new party invitations, we check overall.
It's like the site has become our agenda around which revolves our... life.

Don't you think that this facebook-thing is going a bit too far and... out of control?
What is the first thing most of us do after we come back home? Yes, we turn on our computers and type the facebook address. There's no denying that some of us have the site set as the main page of the web browser.
And so we spend minutes and hours checking the updates, whereas we used to go out and meet people! It hurts us when a friend includes in their post some of mutual acquaintance besides us. It hurts us if only few people 'like' our photos. We refuse to see that what hurts us the most is... artificial. It has nothing in common with the life we could be leading right now, because it's in the cyberspace.

Is this how our lives are supposed to look like?
Because if that's true then I... then that's it, I quit, I'm moving on.

So, now it's you I'm asking:
To facebook or not to facebook?
Choose for yourself. ;)

Take care,

It's not like everybody uses facebook so much. I've had account there for 2 or 2.5 years and I hardly ever post there anything.I have 1 photo upload that has was uploaded two years ago. Since then I've written on different walls not more than 3 times. I check the site like once or twice a week. I just go to facebook scroll the page, watch some photos and quit it.
I'm using facebook only to chat, flame wars and viral marketing :D

There are some months I never visit it, but there are some months I visit it everyday.

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