And one of the biggest dreams fo my life
2012-08-25 @ 09:55:34
is about to come true. :)

You know, not everyone has enough money to travel the world. So haven't I. :) But I did saved my money and I tried to deny myself a lot of things -> new clothes, cookies, fancy food when it was the academic year. :)

So, here I am, and I'm so glad and happy because
in 8 days I'll be in the city of London. :)

I know for some of you it's nothing, but believe me, it means a lot to me. :)


You are the biggest!!!:) Peace:)
I agree, it must mean a lot to you. Finally, you have purpose and you're realizing it now and it means a lot because you've proved to yourself that you can :) I envy you!! :) Just one question: Are you going to London alone or with friends? Have a nice trip!

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