Your world needs sympathy as well.
2011-01-16 @ 23:15:20
Have you ever thought about things that your world is made of? Because, you see, you create it. Your friend's life, surrounding is built differently than yours. Maybe you pass the same buildings every day, maybe you go to the same school or even share the same desk at school, but for every single person the world is unique. We make it using our character and imagination. Our thoughts, our action, all the things we do and say are our building materials. When something is falling apart you can't rebuilt it or safe it alone. You realize that you need another person and his/her world. You might thing that your independence will do all the dirty work but the fact is, that you need someone to support you, anyone...
So look around, maybe your friend's world is now falling apart... Maybe you're the one to safe it or to walk side by side with your mate and if he needs it, pay some attention to his problems, feel for him, try to help. We're not no man's land, deserted islands, we're people, we create our lives, and worlds but even if our creation is great what for would it be if no one could ever live in it or see it at least?

Open up on the others. Because they might need your sympathy and you need it as well. You need support. So assist and you'll get assistance in return.
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