To live is to force...
2011-01-22 @ 20:17:53
To live is to force ourselves.
We - people, we would be very good criminals. Why? Because we are very very good at lying and denying. The problem is, that we do this to ourselves. We're used to say that everything is fine while our life is falling apart. We're used to feel convinced that there's much time e.g. to clean our room or to study but deep inside we know that we should be doing it now. We deny that we're not overwhelmed by our work or the internet, but the fact is, that we're addicted. Many of us can't find some time to rest, while the rest of us waste precious moments on relaxing not constructively. And so we HAVE TO force ourselves. Force to start studying regularly, force to take care of our lives, force to divide our day into pieces so we know that this hour is meant for working and for next 60 minutes we will watch a TV.
It's hard, we all know it.
But we don't want to lose our lives, don't we?
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