Stressed out?
2011-01-30 @ 20:53:11
I don't want to scare anyone, but look around - stress is everywhere! ;) You go somewhere by bus or train and you can hardly see relaxed people.

And I wonder what causes stress?
Of course, it depends on a person's character how much stress is too much. But a very important exam is enough for some of us to spend sleepless night. We pay high prices for success. Sometimes I'm not sure if it's worth the effort. Usually it turns out that it is.

That's why it's so important to deal somehow with stress.
How do I do it?
I have to do something active. That's why I exercise. 20 minutes a day is enough. We all know this famous saying: An apple a day keeps a doctor away. That's why I try to eat healthy food. Every single day I want to make the most of my 'study' time. Because I love to feel satisfied that I earned my free time. On weekends I meet with friends. I listen to music that makes me feel relaxed. I try to sleep 8-9 hours and I cross my fingers for overcoming all the obstacles.

How do you deal with stress?
I hope that you do it successfully. ;)
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