Speaking about MATURA exam.
2011-05-09 @ 23:06:25
I've took Matura exam this year and I must speak up.

I guess people who visit this site, are mostly learners Egnlish who would like to pass English Matura exam or FCE etc. Here I have some tips for You.

Dear learner,
if you want to pass Matura exam, you need to study. It's not enough to go to school and attend classes, you need to do something extra. By this I mean:
-reading, organise your day, take some time, for example 20 minutes a day, for reading English articles, and try doing it regularly. To improve your reading, try this site:http://lingapp.com/
-listening, you can listen to your favourite songs, looking at the lyrics at the same time, if you don't understand something, translate it. You can also try translating a whole song,
-watching english speaking Tv-shows, we all like watching soap operas, tv-shows, films, don't we? While you're watching a film, you have to focus both: on things you're listening to and on things you see. For the beginning, it's a good idea to watch English films with Polish subtitles, then with English subtitles, then without any subtitles. I can recommend you another site: http://www.free-tv-video-online.me/internet/
-speaking, you need to communicate live, try talking with your friend or with foreigners if you have an opportunity to do so, don't be afraid that they won't understand you, try.
-writing, it helps you with expressing your idead, you can long on this site, that is meant for people who want to write each other letters, messages etc: http://www.interpals.net/

Okay, I've tried all of methods I've described. They've never let me down. I've never attended any extra-curricular activities/lessons in English, I've never enrolled any English school like Britania, PROMAR etc. All that I've done, I've done myself. What I'm trying to say is that if you really want to learn a language, you can do it counting only for yourself. Of course, I've had normal lessons at school, which provided one hour a week with Native Speaker, but that's all. My English teacher couldn't manage with the students often.

The most important rule is: never give up!

To prove that my methods have helped me, you can see all the staff I write about. You can trust me, that all the tips I've described will help you only if you accomplish them.

English MATURA exam this year:
was at the appropriate level. Which means Upper Intermediate. When I'll get my results, I let you know. :)

Previous comments:
Thanks for comments to Rvianna and Lodestar who express their opinion on my blog. If you have time, visit their blogs:
Rvianna: http://www.blog.e-ang.pl/rvianna
Lodestar: http://www.blog.e-ang.pl/lodestar

I am here to answer all your questions, if you want to enquire about something, feel free to write it in the comment section below or on my e-mail: sarrna92@gmail.com

Write ya!
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