2011-05-01 @ 17:08:36
So we have the first day of May, and I already ate like 30 cookies. I've been trying to study Spanish, to write a claim letter, to read a book. All didn't work out. I started to feel sleepy.
I've been thinking about what I didn't do and what I avoid doing all my life. I want to make a progress, develope, improve my language skills. However, something is always more important than that.
People join various classes, they do sport, read interesting books and meet with fascinating people. I somehow failed. I feel unfulfiled. I feel that nothing more is ahead.
I hide myself in the cocoon and I can't find the way out.

There must be something what You're good at - painting, writing or riding a bike? Or something completely different. I'm serious, just find it. When You will have your passion, You will be one of fascinating people. Or maybe You already are? Maybe You're not alone in this cocoon? Maybe there's somebody, but You just don't see him/her? Somebody who's waitning for Your eyesight. And even if there's nobody... "Everybody needs some time on their own. Everybody needs some time all alone" - Guns N' Roses.
Kisses :)

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