2012-03-31 @ 17:44:27
I'm sure that everybody has got a hobby. It could be different kind of activities, for example sport: running, riding a bike or maybe riding a horse, etc. . But hobby is not only activities, because listening to music or drawing can be your hobby, too. Many people like surfing on the Internet or just learning foreign languages. I think everything could be like a hobby.
I'll tell you something about my interests. So, I like sport: I played badminton, did karate, rode a horse, swam and I played football, yeah that's all. I enjoy listening to music, learning foreign languages and also writing a book. Maybe I'm not the best at this last option but I like it. I just want to do what I like doing. This is my hobby. Writing a book is the best way to show different people what do you feel, it's also for people who don't like telling about their problem (or just for people who are shy).
I usually write my book when I'm sad, happy or when I have to make a hard decision. It's very helpful. You can write there about everything what you want!
Ok, so I told you about my interests. Now, your turn! Tell me what's your hobby? And write why did you choose it.
I have to go.
Lv ya everyone!

PS. We shouldn't abandon our interests or plans!
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