A question about sequence of tenses(czyli następstwo czasów)
2008-09-19 @ 16:48:02
You have a basic sentence 'She was a beautiful lady' and you start changing it.

'Cindy was a beautifil lady' said the photographer.
The photographer said Cindy was a beautiful lady.
Jill heard the photographer had said Cindy ... a beautiful lady.

The obvious problem is about a word(or words) to put in the place of dots. Should it be said in Past Perfect as well as the prevoius part of the sentence(then: '...Cindy had been a beautiful lady') or is there some other counstruction to use? Because the first option would destroy the sense(that she 'was', not 'is' beautiful). I'm not asking about paraphrases.

(I know that's not a perfect example, most people would probably say 'Jill heard the director said...' and there would be no problem but I'm asking in general)

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