A total intellectual
2009-03-25 @ 14:29:25
It's all over. We met and I must admit I had fun. I was only a little nervous(contrary to him, who was totally freaking out - what a comforting view it has been). We talked... and talked... and talked... for seven hours. We chose rather ambicious topics like vegetarianism, morality and so on. Now I have to say he's just as smart and intelligent as he seemd to be from our previous talks. He's also handsome, I can't deny it, bu he's very skinny. I'm neither fat nor skinny. I think I look all right but in front of him it seems to me that I'm... just BIG! Not fat maybe, but big. He's taller, but anyways... well, maybe it doesn't matter.

I guess he liked me too because after all he wrote in a message that he would like to meet again soon. I wrote back 'so do I'.

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