The last speedway meeting in Poznań.
2010-10-09 @ 13:37:09
Today after school I was at last speedway meeting in Poznań. On track on Golęcin was Youth Individual Mastery of Wielkopolska. PSŻ was represented by Rafał Dąbrowski, Piotr Świdziński and Bartosz Przybylski, but Rafał withdrew from the competition but he supported the team in pits. The other two didn`t show up too good side but.. it doesn`t metter.
Despite the fact that I was very cold and meeting lasted so long I`m glad that I `said goodbye` with riders, official the end this season and I met icon of polish speedway – rider Andrzej Huszcza, who ridden in Poznań at seasons 2006 and 2007.
Despite the fact that I was very cold and meeting lasted so long I`m glad that I `said goodbye` with riders, official the end this season and I met icon of polish speedway – rider Andrzej Huszcza, who ridden in Poznań at seasons 2006 and 2007.