2007-09-02 @ 15:48:47
Hello! Do you know that our blogs look another in Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox. If you use only one browser you don't know how your blog watch another net surfers.
Today at 23.59 holiday will finish. Monday - the first day at school. Now I remind of my first class in primary school. I thought that I would write an essay at first lesson. When my lesson finished I thought that school was very good and much butter than children garden. ;-) Up till now that thought has not changed. I like school. I realize it during the vacation. When the school year lasts I think a bit another. I have no time to many important things especially for relax: cinema, restaurant, good shopping. I know that many peers have this time and they don't worry about their future. I am a little another. I know about it. I watch different TV programmers(TVN24, many journalistic programmers, programmer with practical advice concerning lifestyle), I read for example rzeczpospolita and I sometimes feel that I above everyone. I don't bother about new gadgets. Of course I don't admit that I don't interested in new technology. I sometimes think I am old-fashioned. ;-) I understand more adults' opinions than teenagers' opinions. I feel and think another. I rarely worry about it. But it is me.

http://img376.imageshack.us/img376/9424/notodoorthumb3zr.jpgMica Paris On my temptation

Kisses:** Best regards. :-)

I am a little different than you. ;-) I don't like school and I am crazy. :PP But you are right. I sometimes don't think about my future and about my bad behaviour. I don't want to be someone with bad work and job. Ehh.. Maybe I should do something better.
Taka care. Kiss:*
Yeah... You are strange :P I'm jokeing of course, but you differ from typical teenagers. I sometimes think I'm older than contemporary but from other cause :)
I'm not happy that I must return to school but i'm jealous you that you like go to school :)

I'm glad also that we have the same names :)
I like go to school very much, but I'm going to go to new school so I'm scared...
best regards :*

I realy admire your behavior and your attitude to your life and future!! It means that you're a firm and a self-confident person and it's a very big "plus" for you!!
I wish you it were so always!!! :-)
Hello! Yes, i'm feel better, thanks :*
Very nicely me by the reason of your comment :)

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