2007-10-18 @ 18:19:57
Hello! I appear again. I must admit I had no time to writing or I had no idea to writing.
I love German. It is really a good language.
Our concert was very fantstic. We saved a good outlay(sum).
I have small problem with Phisic. I don't know how to count evercises. Tomorrom I will have a test from Polish( Grammar only;( ). yyy I must learn;(( but I am not in a moody.
I don't know to write else.
school only???? No I spend time at langage's school.
I have recently met very brilliant girl. She is 17. She is in SIM and in my English group. It means I knew her about 1 mounth ago. but I wonder that she is drug addict. One day I saw her in grono. now I can not find her there. But erlier I read in her profile something about drugs. So I don't know. I reckon that she is not.
Kisses for Maritka. Thanks for this comments.
I love German. It is really a good language.
Our concert was very fantstic. We saved a good outlay(sum).
I have small problem with Phisic. I don't know how to count evercises. Tomorrom I will have a test from Polish( Grammar only;( ). yyy I must learn;(( but I am not in a moody.
I don't know to write else.

I have recently met very brilliant girl. She is 17. She is in SIM and in my English group. It means I knew her about 1 mounth ago. but I wonder that she is drug addict. One day I saw her in grono. now I can not find her there. But erlier I read in her profile something about drugs. So I don't know. I reckon that she is not.
Kisses for Maritka. Thanks for this comments.