My next post.
2007-09-06 @ 18:44:18
Hello friends! I know that everyone who have many occupations have no time to write blog and leave comments. I try to read your posts but I sometimes don't write down anything.
At school.
Of course I must do my homework and learn. My three mates were gave bad marks at chemistry. I have new teacher. I hope that she will be nice and good but up till now she has not had good.
Besides I'm reading book now. It is brilliant book it is called "Świat Zofii" It says about philosophy from the antiquity to the contemporary life. Zofia - philosophy. Of course the the hero of a novel has wonderful life, besides she travells into history of world. There we have two plots: the first this pholosphy and the second a mystery of her life and her teacher of philosphy. I read this book especially for the second plot. If this book is only about philosphy I will not read it. I feel that I know and understand more about contemopary world - the each epoch influence to the modern age.
I recommend this book to everybody who wants to say something it this world and understand every situation at this moment.
Lots of kisses:**** I copy from ellie this: I don't know that I have enough kisses for everyone. Take care. :-))
This book looks like this picture.
At school.
Of course I must do my homework and learn. My three mates were gave bad marks at chemistry. I have new teacher. I hope that she will be nice and good but up till now she has not had good.
Besides I'm reading book now. It is brilliant book it is called "Świat Zofii" It says about philosophy from the antiquity to the contemporary life. Zofia - philosophy. Of course the the hero of a novel has wonderful life, besides she travells into history of world. There we have two plots: the first this pholosphy and the second a mystery of her life and her teacher of philosphy. I read this book especially for the second plot. If this book is only about philosphy I will not read it. I feel that I know and understand more about contemopary world - the each epoch influence to the modern age.
I recommend this book to everybody who wants to say something it this world and understand every situation at this moment.
Lots of kisses:**** I copy from ellie this: I don't know that I have enough kisses for everyone. Take care. :-))
This book looks like this picture.