2012-05-08 @ 17:06:27
As we know, advertisements are all around us. Television, radio, magazines are full of messages trying to get us to buy a product. Some of them are really effective but unfortunately the large amount of them are just annoying. With no doubt advertisement must be well directed to have the power to make people stop and take notice. I think that the most important feature is uniqueness. I hate advertisements where woman just stay holding the product and saying about its advantages. Usually after 2 minutes I don't even remember what she's talking about. And what I really don't like are advertising which are putting in the middle of movie. Lately I wondered if there is more annoying kind of advertisement and unfortunately my answer is "yes". I hate when I'm surfing the Internet and suddenly the big advertisement covers whole website. But some of advertisements are really amazing, for example car advertisements. I love them mainly because of soundtracks.