2008-05-12 @ 00:41:03

I was born in the spring sunny 21 day of April. My mother finished the University of Lodz in the field of Economics, as well as father. Therefore, it's easy to guess where and in what type of circumstances they met. My parents decided to live on the suburbs of their hometown in the house of my father where he and his sibling had spent their childhood together.

-My family-

My father is a very diligent and conscientious man who's very serious about all his responsibilities. Nonetheless, he likes to have fun and travel a lot.However, actually my mother is the one who dreams about traveling at nights and then, no matter what,implements the dreams into life. They both are keen on winter sports. Mom additionally swims, does yoga and whatever it comes to her mind. She also learns english just to be able to communicate with people abroad when needed. I've got two younger brothers too. Kacper is 22 and he studies Informatics in Lodz. He's rather interior type of person, a little too much into his own affairs. We were always figting with each other when we were younger, I still love him though. Rafał, who is 17 is totally opposite, in fact, he's a lot like me. And he's totally not into himself, actually, he has a heart of gold and I love him very much. We have always had a great relations with each other and he has always been a great person towards me. Also, not like Kacper, he had a few girlfriends and lately a serious one. He's too young for a girlfriend though and Mateusz, one year older than him, comes first as it seems to me, they have been best friends for ages.
My family is fine, and my goddaughter is the daisy. She's six and she's very resolute and charming. I used to spend whole days with her and I wish I had a time for that now.


When I was six, at firs day of school, in reception class, my mom acquainted me with Patrycja, one of my neighbors and we became friends right away. A year later I befriended with Asia and we decided to sit together during the classes :) Then my best friend was a girl named Ola, then Patrycja again. In high school I had a lot of best friends too. Most of the time - Asia has been my best friend through all the primary and then during the high school times, up to the second year of it. I met somebody and that was the begining of the graet collapse. In the end - we split up after about 3 years and then, a year later, me and Asia became best friends again about which I've been more than satisfied till now. Our friendship is unbreakable now. The greatest lesson from that is, I guess, that if the relationship, no matter what kind of it, is strong enough, it will find it's way back, after any kind of crisis. By that time we get to know the taste of humility and that what doesn't kill, it strengthen.


I don't want to kinda show off or something so I'm just gonna put down three things I was the most excited to accomplish.
-when in the 3rd class of high school my drawing was chosen as the best during the classes of an art group I was part of
-when I was taking part in the competition concerning the symulations of negotiations over joining the European Union and my group won
-in the primary school I was so in love with a teacher of history :P. Once there was about to be the biggest test of the year and as I wanted to prove how smart I am ;P as a result I got 6 (an A).
My teacher said it was the best work from among those of people from my class and all the other at school. He was so amazed and I was so happy then! ahahahahahaha!!! :P
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