Just Title .
2010-10-27 @ 18:42:36
So, today I had a test of English. Uh, was not as simple. But I hope that I wrote it well. And tomorrow test in physics.
Sorry , this is not enough? Well ,it's pretty good, isn't it ?
Sorry, but the previous video didn't work. As you click on it pass on youtube, and there you can watch this .
I'm so tired . I 've slept today just 5 h . It's too short for me . Mvah , mvah . If anyone have too much free time , give me some . : ]
Sorry , this is not enough? Well ,it's pretty good, isn't it ?
Sorry, but the previous video didn't work. As you click on it pass on youtube, and there you can watch this .
I'm so tired . I 've slept today just 5 h . It's too short for me . Mvah , mvah . If anyone have too much free time , give me some . : ]