Daniel . !! X DD
2010-11-18 @ 20:38:36
I'm so tired .! I have to read " Pan Tadeusz " for tommorow . Tell me " good luck " . : ]
I want to watch movie , and read abstract [ streszczenie ].
In monday , i found something intresting . Daniel from " HP " can sings " The elements " [ tablice mendelejewa ] . It is awsome . You have to watch this : http://www.filmweb.pl/video/klip/Daniel+Radcliffe+%C5%9Bpiewa+%22The+Elements%22-23582
I want to watch movie , and read abstract [ streszczenie ].
In monday , i found something intresting . Daniel from " HP " can sings " The elements " [ tablice mendelejewa ] . It is awsome . You have to watch this : http://www.filmweb.pl/video/klip/Daniel+Radcliffe+%C5%9Bpiewa+%22The+Elements%22-23582