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Comments brasiliana82 Polish football activists are not doing anything to overcome the crisis of polish football.For them nothing count only taking bribes.There is no inevitability of punishment for brawls in the stadiums.Level of training young people is disastrous. Guest Psychology is a very inttresting field of science. The science of man and processed occurring in the psyche.Gives a lot psychological knowledge when it comes himself.Psychology books tell of the social pathologies and mental illness Guest Sociology is an intresting field of science.It decribes the phenomena occuring in society and culture. Ther are also elements of economics and politics.Though books i learned about the benefits of globalization and privatization.I also know that to by rich you to have to work,save and invest brasiliana82 Checkers is fun game. The checkers a make excelent intelligence.Is a great exercise for brain cells.But you need to come up with approprite strategies brasiliana82 In sports is importand to cool the head. To be successful you need to make many sucrifices brasiliana82 In Poland , there is not enough money for sports and we have enough medals at the Olimpics.polish coaches are poorly trained and low earning.Children and young people do not rally to the sports as bofore.Young people play sport instead, prefer to sit at computer an Tv.Sports base,also leaves much to be desired. brasiliana82 In football the rules need to be changed enhance it for the fans.Personally ,I prefer futsal and beachsoccer.Corruption in football and hooliganism on stadiums.Negatively affect the image of football for what it is not family sport. Footbal rules not enscourage ofensive play brasiliana82 The world is big air and water polution.Lack of clean technology for fuel and electricity.In addition politicians and officials want to bulid nuclear plants.More and more woods and forests are cut whicch severely impedes the implementation animals. brasiliana82 In Poland in 2012 will be held Europen Championship in football.Football fans arrive from around the world. just wonder how the polish national teams falls out? brasiliana82 The psychological press can learn a lot the human psyche.in Poland the most popular is the monthly letters Characters.i like this magazine brasiliana82 You tube is very intriesting portal as there almost everything.Movies where anyone can post who can.There is a lot of films the field of sports, cinema, music,dance and theater and many other things.I like to loock on youtube if from I suffer boredom brasiliana82 Better to by honest not falsely modest than modest.Fals modesty is simply a psychological narcissism.Is a very pernicious harmful to the mental healfh approach brasiliana82 Tibet is a peace-loving nation.This is very religous nation.They proffes buddihsm.There was never death penalty brasiliana82 human righst are violated also in democratic countries such as USA and Japan.An exemple might by jail Guantanamo where prinones are tortured and detained without a court order.Another example was the war in Iraq where the military allowed the violence.In Japan carries out the death penalty on mentaly ill comdemned brasiliana82 badminton is a very fast game.Badminton shutlecoks speed comparable to speed ferrari.This game dominent in Asia brasiliana82 politics,economics and philosophy of science is borning.Expessive and too emotional intrest these areas may lead to reduction of social contacts. Such subjects would not go on boring should not move at women brasiliana82 social support is an important element to combat stress.there is nothing that de streses as a meeting or conversation with friend.Out of depresion without friends is difficult. brasiliana82 wikileaks is the best website in the world hitting. Leader of the portal is defender of truth. non e lie not miss organization . Long live Wikileaks brasiliana82 outdoor activies can replace many medications but none can replace drug traficc.sports has on impact on mental health and physical and intelectual.sports accerlecates weigh 20 times brasiliana82 Siatkonoga is fun form of recreation for everyone.It combines elements of soccer , volleyball and tennis brasiliana Karaoke is a great form relaxation.I sing to my selself often helps relive stress. Peace and happiness it gives classical music.It s scientifcally proven. brasiliana82 To be a good thing you systematically train.you have a lot of willpower and self discypline. I mean the field of sports, arts and culture Guest Volleyball in Poland is very popular sport.in league matches and the team comes a lot of fans.Volleyball is also a big audience television. a lot young people want the cultivate the retina both boys and girls.An incresing popularity of beach voleyball is. a turnament it comes alot of fans brasiliana82 UNICEF is calling on United around the to support East AFRICA crisis children s. The Major crisis foods is louming due is deatly combination drought rises foot prices.UNICEF has warned that nearly half a two million are facing sevre malnourisment. The current drought in East Africa Ecompasing Etiopia , KenYa, somalia and Djbouti has bean one the worst for 60 years, Leaving pasters barren, water soucers dry brasiliana82 Plaese join UniceF Simon Igram as the reports as on efforts the improve the healf status of matters and newborn in the newly independent REpublic of South Sudan. Unicef providing therapeutic food to the children who are at the gretest risk.The most severe cases receive therapetic milk to stabilize their medical condition. You can help these childen as a well by visiting brasiliana82 rehabilitation is a change maybe to go end not have to.rehabilitation is job best. the best way to stress is sports and signing brasiliana82 rehabilitation is a change maybe to go end not have to.rehabilitation is job best. the best way to stress is sports and signing.the best to neurosis is sex.the best way to neurosis is sex, after is pases all passes all veltages brasiliana82 i do not understand why the Poles write with unions. After all,will always dishonest employer.I am for the politicans to create the right and protect workers righst.People defending the rigst of workes that are good , altought there are fever and fever brasiliana82 Interbet software is a very dangerous toy.Need to protect your computer.Internet is a great investion for comunication,cultural, sport broadcasting, television and information.without this invention, people can not imagine life.. people are now addicted to the internet.is the foundation of civil society brasiliana82 Activity in NGOs is beneficial for the mental health and nervous.this greatly improves mood. NGOs dealing of insues culture , sports, human rigst, humanitarian.Take akction peace, justice and truth. Without them there is no civil society brasiliana82 Globalization has its positive and neegative effects.Foreign inwestors are needed because they have money wchich no state. Globalization equalizes incomes ,rahther than deepening diferences beetwen people.Less democratic countries than with each other communist states. The economist crisis is also human rigst crisis brasiliana82 cultural activity watching television in the internet.you can listen to the radio programs. i feel better when use culture,feel hapennier and calmer.Definition culture everything that has man created brasiliana82 Family is nexperencing a crisis today.I seems to mee thant the reason is the large nember of hours at work ,and the phenonenon is unployment. Everything is people but in moderation.Formely it was not so much cheating as today ,which do not suffer the youth and children.Young people wating to atract attention drinking alkohol, taking drugs, playing traunt. brasiliana82 In Poland and Ukraine will be a turnament for the championship of Europe.recently held a lottery in which Poland went Russia , Czech Republic and Grecce.The resulting beautifull stadium w Warszaw, Wroclaw, Gdansk , Poznan. With Euro created jobs brasiliana82 The world economic crisis we have.this is due to the growing indebetnes of companies and ordinary people.Are also high labor costs, country in general does not encourange saving. Burocracy is too big in Poland and foregin inwestors is not enough brasiliana82 In Russia are rountinelly violanted human righst. Any criticism of the goverment end up with arrest or beaten.this year howewer discobeyed and took in the streats.many have been arrested. You can be pacefully expresed their view to pay life brasiliana82 The 2014 World Championchip wil take place in the place men s woleyball An oppurtinity for voleyball and for Polish. At the championships will earn all. From sales to service provides. I hope that there be jobs Add comment
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