-are you scared ?
-not really no
-not really no
-A AHAAARGHHHHHH how about now ?
-GOD DAMN IT !.... Oh, OH, I mean Allah DAMN IT !
Hellooooooooooooooooooo ! I'm lindsay lohaaaaaaaaaaaaan...
Good evening... infidel !
Jingle bobms Jingle bombs, USA Solider shot me dead ^^
-so you're a terrorist?
-yes... I'm a terrorist...
-And what kind of terrorist are you ?
-A terryfing... Terrorist !
-... She's... not bad looking..... she's hot.
-niaaaaał... (in polish, sorry)
You're a sick man !
Jefafa Dun Ham Dot Com
I love be in DC... Deeeeeeee Ceeeeeeeeeeeee
what The hell is wrong with you ?
We can't talk in the same time !
Oh, I'm sorry, i thought we're in USA and speak Fuckin' ENGLISH !
-You are Jalapaneo ?
-Si sinior.. on a stick
-You are Mexican Jalapaneo ?
-Si sinior... on a stick
Ay ay ay ay... I'm Jose Jalapeneo, you love Jalapanego..
Jose Jalapaneo... on a stick !
Chichuachua on a stick !
Jeff Dunham <33 not on a stick.