How I get best results with learning by heart
2010-09-27 @ 08:39:45
I’ve been learning English for years. My biggest problem was forgetting what I’d learnt. My mind has been throwing away everything what was unused at daily life. At high school I’d founded eTeacher 4.0 who helped me a lot with memorizing new words. There was only one problem – I had to remember making repetitions for every exercise I’d made. These times I thought that things I’d learnt will stay in my mind… and you know what? It’s bullshit. If your brain doesn’t use them, it’ll lose them… or rather the path for getting these things outside.

Results of this mechanism can be frustrating, for example when you’re speaking with someone and try to recall some words but you can’t. They might be very important at this moment but you haven’t used them for a long time. What to do? You should learn them by heart and repeat from time to time. Then they will stay longer and longer in your memory. But it’s hard to ménage with a big amount of words by yourself, notepad or even a flashcards. About 1,5 month ago I’ve founded a good solution – Anki.

Anki is a free program that helps to memorize and review you knowledge. It’s based on virtual flashcards and special algorithm which brings them to repetition exactly when it’s necessary. Repetition intervals get bigger every time you give right answer. First term will be after 8 hours, but nowadays some of my flashcards will be repeated after 2 months :) This gives surety that you’ll keep them in mind but also… this gives you time for learning new things! You don’t lose it for reviewing what you remember perfectly. Another great thing about this mechanism is that it was discovered by polish scientists 25 years ago. They used it in SuperMemo – commercial program for learning languages ect. Read for more at

As you see Anki is a tool that can make your study much more effective. The only condition is regularity. You should use Anki every 1-3 days. Without it you’ll be flooded with outstanding repetitions. Learning witch Anki takes me 15-60 minutes per day so it’s not so long. If you want learn foreign language remember one thing: it’s better to do it 15 minutes but every day than 4 hours once a week.

Another great thing abut Anki is that you can add to your flashcards images or mp3/videos with spelling :) There is also on-line version of Anki for internet browsers. You can synchronize flashcards from your PC with your website account and learn wherever you want :) There is also Anki for cell phones so no more losing time in public transport :D

You can get Anki from

Or see how it works:

My new toy – the guitar
2010-09-08 @ 14:01:57
A week ago I bought a guitar. It’s my third instrument but I was obsessed with the idea of it for a couple of years. As a youngster I tried to play on old Defil but as somebody said: it’s rather furniture than a guitar. After some months of trying to play on something that didn’t want to tune, with terrible ergonomics and string action I’ve given up... until now. For time to time I had a strong feeling that guitar is that I’m missing for. It has an expression and tasty meaty tone. It’s really hard to archive something similar on other instruments. I also notice that from the very beginning I’m trying to play like a guitarist. So maybe it’s better to buy a proper guitar and learn to play on it? Yes it is!

I feel a new fresh wave of ideas for my music. It’s a long hard way to reach the goals I want, but it’s also thing I wanted to do since… ever :) The hardest thing will be to keep a good balance between guitar and my previous instruments. I like them also and I don’t want to miss what I’ve learnt. More of that, I want to keep learning on all of them. So I have a lot of work to do but I’m happy with it :)

They are playing on guitars as mine :D
And You? Do You have any persistent thoughts?

Keep’ on playing my favorite song…

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