2007-04-04 @ 15:18:36
Hello ppl. Wat r u up 2 2day? Coz im tittaly bored i wont easter 2 began now i dont wont 2 waite. My uncle said tht In polish when u wont 2 say easter u hve 2 say something like Wielknoc.. it's totally grovy!!! I im so cunfused about me teenage life. Like what my purpuse is in life or when 2 B good and when not. It is so confusing if u get what i mean. I wont 2 do a tatto on my back but it wont be ig one and it will be low but if this will be low then none will be able 2 see is.Im so confused and my mom told me tht she will kill me if i do a tatto.HELP ppl!!!!!!!!