2 notes in one day, why not? The first note was the "organization" because I told about yourself, the next or the other will be a little bit more of things: D
So I will describe one of my favorite of which is the recent series of The Breaking Bad (abbreviated to BR BA). The series tells us about the chemistry teacher who teaches in high school.
One day, while working "in the black" at a car wash collapsed after a long minute troublesome cough. At the hospital it was discovered suffering from cancer .Nie operating not told about the family, because not wanting to worry them unnecessarily.
After a sleepless night, he decided to renew old relationships with the hated student, who is now a street Diller. He decided to start the illicit manufacture of methamphetamine in order to protect the family financially in the event of sudden death. Towards me, yet my surprise, they succeeded in, do not encountering the police or the FBI. On the downside they earned a lot of money and decided to continue to operate. C.D.N.
Sincerely Patricia