Diary of the drug addict
2015-11-04 @ 21:02:35
Hello Beautiful People !
With author and at the same time with heroine of the book the "Diary of the drug addict" is a Fri. Barbara Rosiek. She was born 25 June 1959 In Częstochowa. Of Pisarek, poet, painter. She completed psychological studies in Katowice.
The book rose from authentic notes led by Ms Barbara for years. The book is bringing a lot of problems up: non-acceptance on the part of surroundings, inconceivable give the solitude of the heroine, fight against the school, with police. That's all as a last resort took Basia to illness enslaving the body and spirit. Yes! A drug addiction is illness.
The figure for Basia is demonstrating very much a dependent man is becoming weak. In order to get ready goods it is almost to everything. Drugs took her to very bottom. Where a humanity is ending. Basia for years was deep in a lethargy. She became indifferent to emotions, surroundings. She didn't have friends. Because amongst drug addicts there is no room there are only arrangements to the friendship-. All her acquaintances were junkies. They were because everyone walked away.
Unwittingly with the sleepy smile at first Iga went out. Tomek was second...
"Tomek doesn't live. He did drugs somewhere with some people. He had collapse and those got scared. They didn't call an ambulance but transferred him to the bench and there died. And they could bring him back to life... "
It is fragment of notes from 27 May. Then Filip which went on a "golden shot" is a drug addict suicide. And Alpha oldest of the entire gang he landed in prison and there hanged himself.
All old acquaintances died only she stayed alone.
Everyone is wearing masks, adapting them to the chance. Basia did it alone. In fear of disappointing parents she pretended that everything was well. She studied, went to school. In her interior all the time a great fight lasted. Fight for the life. She didn't admit that farther he was doing drugs.
She escaped from the second man. For the year she was treated in MONARZE. Centre run by Marek Kotański. To the own wish she left it. Everyone thought that she had left as first healed. She was shy that after the week had already done drugs farther. She didn't admit to it. She lied to Kotański, parents, doctors.
One day Basia wrote: "I like the solitude but sometimes mum for her already enough. Then I am searching for people in order again to become discouraged ". And with the very quotation it is possible so that it is to sum the first part of the book up.
Every time I am reading this book I am uncovering a lot of new things. New questions are coming to my mind. But with every read side an admiration grows in me.
To finish the admiration for Basia which in spite of illness found so much strength to get out of the addiction in itself, studies, to take up work.
The addiction was an isolation from love. Only a multidimensional solitude, suffering and the death which for these all years passed by for Basia remained. Coming into contact with her.
After the syncope Basia is deciding however to live. To fight over oneself. He is finishing the secondary school, is undertaking studies and is finishing them with the distinction. He is showing, that if the man finds enough strength the way out of the addiction is possible.
He is writing: "if the life was given us it isn't possible still to ask about his meaning, but this way to survive them so that it comes true every day." and she is managing.
The diary is a book which is aimed at making us aware and the help in understanding how the drug can win the great power above the man. We must remember that our life is a running battle, that obstacles appear on our road, but if we find hope and love in ourselves we will be able to defeat them.
The book was written above all as a warning. What hell he/she is portraying behind itself a drug addiction is carrying. It is drastic book but in the threat behind itself a needed drug addiction is carrying which. I will recommend a book young people, parents and teachers, even though was spent for the first time over twenty years ago is a needed and still relevant reading still. For suming up I want to quote one fragment still from the book "every type of the drug is leading you to ultimate defeat- of the numbness".
See you soon.
With author and at the same time with heroine of the book the "Diary of the drug addict" is a Fri. Barbara Rosiek. She was born 25 June 1959 In Częstochowa. Of Pisarek, poet, painter. She completed psychological studies in Katowice.
The book rose from authentic notes led by Ms Barbara for years. The book is bringing a lot of problems up: non-acceptance on the part of surroundings, inconceivable give the solitude of the heroine, fight against the school, with police. That's all as a last resort took Basia to illness enslaving the body and spirit. Yes! A drug addiction is illness.
The figure for Basia is demonstrating very much a dependent man is becoming weak. In order to get ready goods it is almost to everything. Drugs took her to very bottom. Where a humanity is ending. Basia for years was deep in a lethargy. She became indifferent to emotions, surroundings. She didn't have friends. Because amongst drug addicts there is no room there are only arrangements to the friendship-. All her acquaintances were junkies. They were because everyone walked away.
Unwittingly with the sleepy smile at first Iga went out. Tomek was second...
"Tomek doesn't live. He did drugs somewhere with some people. He had collapse and those got scared. They didn't call an ambulance but transferred him to the bench and there died. And they could bring him back to life... "
It is fragment of notes from 27 May. Then Filip which went on a "golden shot" is a drug addict suicide. And Alpha oldest of the entire gang he landed in prison and there hanged himself.
All old acquaintances died only she stayed alone.
Everyone is wearing masks, adapting them to the chance. Basia did it alone. In fear of disappointing parents she pretended that everything was well. She studied, went to school. In her interior all the time a great fight lasted. Fight for the life. She didn't admit that farther he was doing drugs.
She escaped from the second man. For the year she was treated in MONARZE. Centre run by Marek Kotański. To the own wish she left it. Everyone thought that she had left as first healed. She was shy that after the week had already done drugs farther. She didn't admit to it. She lied to Kotański, parents, doctors.
One day Basia wrote: "I like the solitude but sometimes mum for her already enough. Then I am searching for people in order again to become discouraged ". And with the very quotation it is possible so that it is to sum the first part of the book up.
Every time I am reading this book I am uncovering a lot of new things. New questions are coming to my mind. But with every read side an admiration grows in me.
To finish the admiration for Basia which in spite of illness found so much strength to get out of the addiction in itself, studies, to take up work.
The addiction was an isolation from love. Only a multidimensional solitude, suffering and the death which for these all years passed by for Basia remained. Coming into contact with her.
After the syncope Basia is deciding however to live. To fight over oneself. He is finishing the secondary school, is undertaking studies and is finishing them with the distinction. He is showing, that if the man finds enough strength the way out of the addiction is possible.
He is writing: "if the life was given us it isn't possible still to ask about his meaning, but this way to survive them so that it comes true every day." and she is managing.
The diary is a book which is aimed at making us aware and the help in understanding how the drug can win the great power above the man. We must remember that our life is a running battle, that obstacles appear on our road, but if we find hope and love in ourselves we will be able to defeat them.
The book was written above all as a warning. What hell he/she is portraying behind itself a drug addiction is carrying. It is drastic book but in the threat behind itself a needed drug addiction is carrying which. I will recommend a book young people, parents and teachers, even though was spent for the first time over twenty years ago is a needed and still relevant reading still. For suming up I want to quote one fragment still from the book "every type of the drug is leading you to ultimate defeat- of the numbness".
See you soon.