Interesting case of Benjamin Button
2015-12-29 @ 14:42:22
Hello Beautiful People !!! Incredible history of the man, which instead of to grow old, got younger. Year 2005, hurricane Katrina will approach the New Orleans. Aged woman, Daisy Fuller (Cate Blanchett) asks the daughter (Julia Ormond), in order to the one read the diary of a close friend aloud for her, of Benjamin Buttona (Brad Pitt). The man was born on the day of ending the World War I, 11 November 1918. The mother died at the childbirth, whereas the father disowned him. Because the boy looked like the creased old man. Benjamin found his way to the nursing home for seniors, where it turned out that with age it was getting more and more young. At the end of years 30. Button is signing on a ship and is setting off to the wanderer of many years' standing all over the entire world. After the war he is coming back to the New Orleans. His father, tormented with twinges of conscience, is willing the estate and the entire wealth to him. One day Benjamin is meeting the friend from the childhood - Daisy Fuller. She grew into a beautiful woman, he was rejuvenated. It seems that for themselves they are created. It seems that for themselves they are created. The affair is blooming oblivious to everything, however anxiety is tormenting Benjamin. The man is aware that Daisy at one time will age, whereas he will turn into the child. When their daughter is born, Button is reaching a conclusion that she should have a normal father. He is diverging, but isn't able to forget .. against Daisy. See you soon.
The Help
2015-12-29 @ 14:38:22
Hello Beautiful people !!! The novel which won hearts of readers worldwide, is published in a new cover in series plain chocolate. The action is focused relations of black women serving in houses of whites family in the South of the United States in years 60. Of the 20th century. However beneath the layer of the racist subject matter the author hid decks of universal deliberations not only about the being of the humanity and the tolerance, but above all about being in conflict with stereotypes, about overcoming fear, about restrictions, with which everyone we are reporting and which we want to carry. And finally about the friendship and the solidarity which power is able to accomplish wonders. Housemaids are a great written book about surprisingly of freeing power! Housemaids took by storm reader's market. The novel was published in the United States in February 2009, and in the summer, for six weeks, unbeaten already triumphed on the top one spot of the list of best-sellers "The New York the Times". Altogether Housemaids stayed over 100 weeks at the lead of this list the most held in regard! So far copies of the novel found their way to hands of 5 million readers in 35 countries. Much a film contributed to the success of the book with Emma Stone as Skeeter, Violą Davisw of the Aibileen role and Octavią Sepcer which for the Minny creation got the Oscar. See you soon.
2015-12-29 @ 14:34:26
Hello Beautiful People !!! Everything is pointing at it, that newly-graduated parents, Mac (Rogen Seth) and Kelly Radner (Rose Byrne) are fulfilling exactly their American dream - have a lovely daughter and a house on city outskirts. When they are discovering that their new neighbours are a dozen or so students from the brotherhood Delta Canine of baby's sleeping bag, with which the charismatic chairman is leading Teddy Sanders (Zac Efron), are trying how best to use this bizarre situation. However events held by the brotherhood are becoming more and more noisy and both sides are starting defending their territory. It is becoming bright, that either students will vacate the house or the young married couple will lose remains of the mental health. A neighbourly war is starting. See you soon.
School of emotions
2015-12-29 @ 14:31:20
Hello Beautiful People !!! Every spring in the small port small town Beaufort in North Karolina, when an onshore wind is bringing the smell to the salt, Landon Carter (Shane West) recalls his spent salad days from for Hollow Sullivan (Mandy Moore), with girl which changed his life. For hollow was a person the first and the last for which he felt real emotion. Completely different from school friends, never cared about it in order to be so, as they. For her the self-confidence didn't depend on the opinion of other people. For hollow, daughter of the local pastor of the Church of Baptists (Peter Coyote), wasn't afraid of showing other the faith is most important in for her living. Landon was completely different, didn't know what he wanted from the life. He spent the free time on doing silly jokes. One of them had a twist in the tail. Landon and his pals decided "to test" of novice (Matt Lutz) which wanted to get to their package. The initiation was supposed to be held in a local factory of cement and to consist in jumping into the swimming pool. Nobody from them knew that his bottom was full of pipes broken up. The boy jumped. In a minute he sailed out all in blood. Landon jumped into water in order to drag him out. Friends escaped. He avoided the prison, but as part of the rehabilitation had to look pupils after, and participate in rehearsals of the performance in the dramatic club. These classes were supposed to teach sensitivities to other people it. Thanks to them more close he got to know Hollow which also played in this performance. Soon Landon made himself aware, that was in love with an inconspicuous Hollow. See you soon.
Three metres above the sky
2015-12-29 @ 14:27:49
Hello Beautiful People !!! Sixteen-year-old Women's, girl, from the so-called good house, the excellent pupil and the exemplary daughter, as a result of the splice tangled up of cases, are getting to know Stepa, of aggressive hooligan which the life is placing oneself from exercises on the fitness room, of races on the motor and of pointless brawls. In spite of extremely of different characters and the opposition of the overbearing mother Women's, are madly in love with themselves. Under the influence of this love which of course isn't having chances of surviving, they are changing both. Women's he is opening to world, is ripening, and the Steppe is becoming more reflective, gentler. He is women's with only person which the Steppe entrusts with his/her dark secret which is explaining him aggressive and destructive behaviours. Freely moving in world of notions which determine world of Italian young people, Moccia told unusually credibly and smoothly a universal story about youthful rebellion, pain of growing up and family problems. See you soon.
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