Great Weekend
2007-07-23 @ 21:25:56
In Saturday I was on wedding. Party was awful I don't like such a parties but there was a lot of sad moments:-( I talked with Mateusz about our live and our relatoinship and I realized that I mostly ruin his efforts and leading him to desperate momments:-( I was crying and apologize him. He was start crying with me:-( LOVE is great!!
In Sunnday mostly I was sleeping (you know all night on wedding:-]) then I go with Mateusz and Frytka on location party. We had a good times!! After all he asked me how long Frytka will be going everywhere with us. He feel that he have two girlfriend!! It's time to choose with who I want to be. I love them both!! What should I do??
Bez Ciebie tak pusto i oczom i ustom,
Śmiech schował się w kącie i śni.
Wieczory się dłużą, bo czasu zbyt dużo,
Nikt bliski nie puka do drzwi.
Tak wiele jest złego, szarego, groźnego,
Że smutno i płakać się chce.
Mijają soboty, pamiętaj więc o tym,
Że komuś bez Ciebie tak źle!

P.S ASIU answer of you question is in my previous add in comments! the best regards!!

Hi. You love Your friend and boyfriend ? Just keep love them both. He must understand, that she's Your friend.KIsses=*

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