2007-08-11 @ 10:37:41
Sometimes I have a mania like now- it's stupid but it's true!. I listen to only the same songs over and over again- a couple of them I have in banners:-)
Maybe I'm sick couse this is some kind of addition, am I Right??
I have never listening Pussycat dolls and another Hip Hop & R'N'B bands I used to think that they haven't good voices and their texts are empty and stupid without any motto and pointless but now I changed my mind:-)They're great!! Soon I'll put more videos another bands and singers you'll see that it's worth to listen to:-)
My next mania is learning english:-) I promised myself read all my books about vocabulary and grammar for the time being it's come true:-)
Now I must to clean my home so I must to go:-(( then I'll write something new:-) See you:-**
Maybe I'm sick couse this is some kind of addition, am I Right??
I have never listening Pussycat dolls and another Hip Hop & R'N'B bands I used to think that they haven't good voices and their texts are empty and stupid without any motto and pointless but now I changed my mind:-)They're great!! Soon I'll put more videos another bands and singers you'll see that it's worth to listen to:-)
My next mania is learning english:-) I promised myself read all my books about vocabulary and grammar for the time being it's come true:-)
Now I must to clean my home so I must to go:-(( then I'll write something new:-) See you:-**