2007-08-29 @ 22:01:46
Do you belive in ghosts??
I heard today many interesting stories about ghost and evil spirits an how they can influence on our live!!! I started to ponder on their meaning because their are amongs us and it's a little bit creep:-/
I'd like to write some basic information about them:
DEMON- is the intermediaries between men and gods, and had once been men. Fallen angel under the command of Satan.
His possesion can be a human body which can be inhabited or "taken over" by a demon and who cannot, consequently, exercise his own will!!! He can atacked unbelivers and belivers. Demon influence in the believer comes about in the later stages of negativity, or backsliding for example: whether discouragement, disillusion, disenchantment, boredom, self-pity, loneliness, frustration, instability, pride complex and various sins of arrogance, revenge tactics, reaction to contemporary events or social pressures, etc. Whatever causes it, the reaction stage makes one very vulnerable to the attacks of Satan.

How's look demon possesion??
The body is brought under the control of the soul, and the soul has been given to Satan. It is like a conversion in reverse. There were two ways of becoming possessed by the Devil. Either, the Devil passes directly into the person, or someone, in collaboration with the Devil - ususally said to be a witch or wizard - sends a demon into the victim through bewilderment.

Here some videos about exorcism but I'm warning you that some moments and photos could be terrifying:
The Real Emily Rose
Islamic exorcism
Maldives exorcism
Tomorow next part of the "Ghost topic".
Sweet dreams!!
I heard today many interesting stories about ghost and evil spirits an how they can influence on our live!!! I started to ponder on their meaning because their are amongs us and it's a little bit creep:-/
I'd like to write some basic information about them:
DEMON- is the intermediaries between men and gods, and had once been men. Fallen angel under the command of Satan.
His possesion can be a human body which can be inhabited or "taken over" by a demon and who cannot, consequently, exercise his own will!!! He can atacked unbelivers and belivers. Demon influence in the believer comes about in the later stages of negativity, or backsliding for example: whether discouragement, disillusion, disenchantment, boredom, self-pity, loneliness, frustration, instability, pride complex and various sins of arrogance, revenge tactics, reaction to contemporary events or social pressures, etc. Whatever causes it, the reaction stage makes one very vulnerable to the attacks of Satan.

How's look demon possesion??
The body is brought under the control of the soul, and the soul has been given to Satan. It is like a conversion in reverse. There were two ways of becoming possessed by the Devil. Either, the Devil passes directly into the person, or someone, in collaboration with the Devil - ususally said to be a witch or wizard - sends a demon into the victim through bewilderment.

Here some videos about exorcism but I'm warning you that some moments and photos could be terrifying:
The Real Emily Rose
Islamic exorcism
Maldives exorcism
Tomorow next part of the "Ghost topic".
Sweet dreams!!