...:::Pirates of the Caribbean:::...
2007-08-24 @ 11:21:27
Hi! Today I want write about movie "Pirates of the Caribbean". I like this movie very much, but not the most :)
So far they have appeared three movies:
* "Pirates of the Caribbean - The course of the Black Pearl"

* "Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead man's chest"

* "Pirates of the Caribbean - At world's end"

I have seen all parts of that movie. In my opinion it's great and interesting movie. I like it very much, because in "Pirates of the Caribbean" acting my favourite actress:
Keira Knightley:
and once of my favourite actors:
Orlando Bloom:
At first I saw that film one year ago when I was being on holidays at my aunt's house. My uncle like this movie so he recomend it. Than we saw first part of that movie "The course of the Black Pearl" which arised in 2003. Last year in cinema appeared sequel: "Dead man's chest". We was in cinema on that movie with our uncle who "infect" us.. hihi:) In this year appeared next sequel: "At world's end" and we saw that in cinema again but without our uncle :(
In my opinion the most interesting part is "The course..." but next parts are as well as first.
I think that everybody should see that movie. I recomend that movie! :)
What do you think about it? I hope that you like my note and first of all "Pirates of the Caribbean" :)
So far they have appeared three movies:
* "Pirates of the Caribbean - The course of the Black Pearl"

* "Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead man's chest"

* "Pirates of the Caribbean - At world's end"

I have seen all parts of that movie. In my opinion it's great and interesting movie. I like it very much, because in "Pirates of the Caribbean" acting my favourite actress:
Keira Knightley:

and once of my favourite actors:
Orlando Bloom:

At first I saw that film one year ago when I was being on holidays at my aunt's house. My uncle like this movie so he recomend it. Than we saw first part of that movie "The course of the Black Pearl" which arised in 2003. Last year in cinema appeared sequel: "Dead man's chest". We was in cinema on that movie with our uncle who "infect" us.. hihi:) In this year appeared next sequel: "At world's end" and we saw that in cinema again but without our uncle :(
In my opinion the most interesting part is "The course..." but next parts are as well as first.
I think that everybody should see that movie. I recomend that movie! :)
What do you think about it? I hope that you like my note and first of all "Pirates of the Caribbean" :)