Butter cookies
2013-12-14 @ 14:24:25
Butter cookies ingredients: 50 dkg flour, 15 dkg butter (no not margarine!), good is the kerrygold as above suggested uszmitka 15 dkg sugar, vanilla sugar, 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon of baking powder.
The butter until light and fluffy mass with sugar and eggs. Mix with the flour, 0. 25 and the rest of the flour and add the powder in a bowl and knead paws, so that the ingredients you like.
Wywałkować cake on the thickness. 4 mm and trim, squares, rectangles, triangles, whatever you like. Spread out on a large baking sheet lined with baking sreberkiem. Between cookies to leave półtoracentymetrowe space, because some will grow! Each cake ponakłuwac with a fork and put in the oven for about 10-15 min, temp. 150-160 ° c. If you have an electric oven, bake at this lower temperature on heating the bottom-up, and from the middle of the baking top itself.
The tops of the cookies will remain quite clear, the bottom a little przyrumieni, then pull them.