Minaret like a lighthouse
2009-04-20 @ 10:43:43
When I was reading “Minaret” by Leila Aboulela I saw the world eyes belives. God , Allah is a tremendous power of creation in our life. World of West is a free but coused danger for our spirit. Temptations ,expecially life without embargo . Leila Aboulela is a sudanse writer who founded happines and fulfilment in life fully of belives in islamic rigor. We a living in Europe where very modern seems throw away belive in God, expecially islamic religion which apears as a star on our sky."The West believes that Islam oppresses women". it is worlds of Leila. Another :"It starts like this: You say, "The sea is salty." I say, "But it is blue and full of fish."," Freedom does not necessarily bring happiness". .Of course very important is a tolerance West and East. Probably everything that happing on the world doing Allah and our action.We need guidance and wisdom .Prayer and fast and , of course belive is a very important today how yesterday. “Minaret” is a very beatiful and wise book . I'm recommending this book all people looking and would like to deeping belive. We have a choise : living like a ateist, agnostic and beliver. We always can founded our way to home , that is Allah.
http://ksiazki.wp.pl/k/i/k/150/_75016_F.jpg http://www.empik.com/b/l/89/6b/896b3be6399a933d04cd08f0d20533b8.jpg http://www.empik.com/b/l/14/5f/145f54b7667d44121b36e73b4a43b75c.jpg

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