Magical wood
2009-05-06 @ 09:47:48
I love to ride a bicycle. Maybe it is strange but prefer to ride lonely. Especially, I'm going to wood where there is very quiet and calm. I think that it is therapy place. My mood will corect always when I returned from forest. When shine sun I sitting on the grass and sunburn my face. Yesterday I met four deer who were very suprise when saw me. Someday I was watching even hare and poison polish snake. I don't know how to write it.
Wind moving leaf of wonderful trees.At the time I feel completely and happy. Forest is a miraculous space.Unfrortunately , last time “GDDiA firm” has cuted to many trees because they are building highway to more nervous , “better” live. More people will be died on heart attack , stroke and died of cancer. I think that few people like a trees. The earth was finnised as this forest about my town. GDDiA is a criminal organization , it will seems in the future. Take care our ENVIRONMENT!

We can rescue rainforest. You will be must recording on the website
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