I`m in Belgium :)
2010-10-02 @ 16:15:43
I`ve started my Erasmus adventure ;) Leuven, town where I am is really really beautiful. Historical, medieval buildings and many young people. Unforgettable climate. I`m impressed!
Short movie about my host country:

2010-09-04 @ 01:00:23
I`ve just found out I go to Erasmus programme to Belgium :)) I`m happy and I`m a bit afraid...
Lectures will be in English but Dutch is for me completely puzzle. I don`t know very much about this country so before my leave I must get know something more :)

2010-09-01 @ 01:02:53
I`ve just seen part of movie about Bushmen. It`s unbelievable so huge differences between people around the world. White man feel even a little lack of some not obvious goods like water closet, paper towel or deodorant while almost two thirds of people haven`t even clean water to drink...
We try to imagine how could we live without internet e.g. while bushmen try to hunt anything to eat...
It`s like two planets...
It`s like two edges of endless list of ways of life...
It`s terrifying and fascinating...
2010-08-31 @ 00:19:21
This year died my friend who was photografer and traveller. I`ve wanted to see his exhibition but employees of galery just finished it before term.
It`s was awful!!! I went to Cieszyn because of that.
I recommend web side of his photos - amazing

Fortunately I could buy the special album edited for this exhibition about Kashmir
I miss him, I haven`t known so much...
shape of my heart
2010-08-28 @ 22:43:14
I`ve never suspected that in the song "Shape of my heart" by Sting there is something about cards ;)
It`s interesting how to call suits of cards in english :D

"...I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier
I know that the clubs are weapons of war
I know that diamonds mean money for this art
But that's not the shape of my heart..."

spades (♠), diamonds (♦) clubs (♣), hearts (♥)

A complete set of cards is called a pack or deck.
Face cards: Jack, Queen, King
and Ace of spades :)))
wow! I wasn`t here so long...
2010-08-28 @ 01:01:46
I don`t know where is last year of my life... Time goes on very very quikly but on the other hand not much changed in my life... almost nothing.
It`s quit sad :( but you know when you haven`t what you like, you like what you have ;)))

For few weeks I have tried to change something in my attitiude to life. It`s my case what will be shape of my life so complaining is pointless...

Welcome in New Year ;))) I`m a little bit late ;))
2009-01-31 @ 17:53:46
I frequent here too seldom. Definitely!!!
But I`m learning all time and I want share with you interesting site which is really helpful for learners of english

kursy językowe w internecie do słuchania

And I recommend you two short movies about Jamaica

Which I found at this site

Day by day...
2008-09-07 @ 23:59:26
Weekend was very short for me :(( and I`m tired rather ...
All time I had been busy doing something. Yesterday I helped parents in our garten, today I was at mass in cathedral in Katowice because of the day of community in my church movement Light-Life.
After that I met with my friends and I arrived home about 10 p.m. I`m really tired but I should prepare some material to work :(((
have a nice sleep
yesterday ...
2008-09-05 @ 10:47:58
... I have had day of new places and social realizing ...


I gone to the pictures about chinese dam on Jangcy River. It`s horibble that people living in this country don`t see this lying ideology and kind of ignorancy in treating own citizens. China isn`t for Chinese. Everyone is convinced that it`s way to great develop of country but one man in the movie is talking "Big dam bring a lot of goodness for China but isn`t rather good for single citizen". And this is unpleasant true about Great Good Authorities of Socialist Homeland. Two million people must leave own houses because of this contruction and many invaluable landscapes and monuments of culture will be sunken for ever.
In the other hand I read polish web site about water crisis around the world. I really recommmend it www.wodapitna.pl

Hello people...
2008-09-03 @ 09:26:39
What`s up after vacation? It was good time for me :))
As usually I was in Swarzewo by the Baltic Sea and in Istebna in Silesian Beskidas. But this time I spend with children and youth, so it was work as well. Time of my real free time I spend in Taize - it`s franch village in Burgund. There`s The Taize Community, which gathers brathers from various christian churches to pray for unity between christian.
It was amaizing expirience because I could met many people from another countries and shared with them my poin of view on sense of life, some troubels which happen in novadays, about place of faith in my life.
It`s place full of peace and joy.


By the way I`m coming back to english cours :)))
Lessons will start in october, but I want improve my english from now :))) and every day
Cross fingers!!!
U la la What a shame!!
2008-06-18 @ 01:49:52
Anybody remember me? I suppose not. I was here a long long time ago .....

And of course I reminded about you at 1.30 at night. The best time. For sure I`m too tired to write anything what would have a sense !

Good message! I finished my master`s thesis :)))
I gave it yesterday and I`ll have exam 30 of June. AT LAST!!!

Another good message! At friday is end of school year. Firstly I`ll be working from 9 to 13 am. Sekondly I`m finished working in group in Movement Light-Life (it`s tiredness of matter ;). And thirdly I`m going to go to Swarzewo by Baltic See at 1 of July :))) - unfortunately with children but if you don`t have what you like you like what you have ;)))

Good Night!
Happy Easter???
2008-03-22 @ 12:45:22
With passing away of my Lord I`m ding too...
I`m trying join my little pain with His suffering.
Maybe it`s the best time to understand that somebody don`t care of you? Maybe it`s the best time to become reconciled with own loneliness.

"My God, my God, why did you abandon me?" (Mark 15,34)

"Yet not what I want, but what you want." (Mark 14,36)

"But even though he was God`s Son, he learned through his sufferings to be obedient." (Hebrews 5,8)

I wish you Happy Easter because from this death surfaces life.

2008-02-04 @ 23:21:18
My promise was too hopefull ;))
New Year has just ended first month and my blog is a little bit empty still.

But is the best view of my life. I have too short enthusiasm for everything. Week or two, maybe sometimes month and I leave some passion and it`s really hard to me come back.

So I won`t promise that I`ll be write a lot, but I hope I`ll be fall in here from time to time :)))
u la la
2008-01-05 @ 03:00:34
I`m really lazy. I didn`t write anything since November !!!!!
I`m ashamed, really, and I`ll try change it.

For the present I wish you Happy New Year. I hope it`ll be better than 2007 and everyone of us will improve his english ;)))

november is finished...
2007-11-30 @ 11:53:38

When I wrote about my nightmare that is my master`s thesis I had a plan to finish it to half of november. Today I know it was only wishful thinking :( I`m still at page 81.
I have no time
I have no power
I don`t feel like doing this
My incapacity is crushing me...

Are they good fortune-telling for sant Andrew`s day?

moviegoer ;)) - continuation
2007-11-21 @ 11:17:49
"Korowod" continuation...

Of course movie without love story is lost movie ;)
Bartek`s relationship is disintegrating. Kasia, his girlfriend, feels that but she still hope everything will be good. They`re going to go to Majorca Island.

http://www.filmpolski.pl/z1/88i/19588_7.jpg http://www.filmpolski.pl/z1/88i/19588_25.jpg

However Bartek during his investigation in Bieszczady is meeting interesting girl. She is sister of Bartek`s friend from studies. Ula is different than his girlfriend, she is demanding from the beginning their acquaintance and she don`t want stop him at all cost.
Meeting with ex-informer and Ula, girl with principles, changes Bartek`s life. He makes oneself aware of evil of his behaviour.

http://www.filmpolski.pl/z1/88i/19588_74.jpg http://www.filmpolski.pl/z1/88i/19588_79.jpg

What does join dentist of Kasia and misterious profesor?
Who is victim of profesor`s denuntiations?
What will happen in Majorca?
Whom is secret admirer of Kasia?
And question for everyone is possible to lean true love on lie?

http://www.filmpolski.pl/z1/88i/19588_28.jpg http://www.filmpolski.pl/z1/88i/19588_27.jpg http://www.filmpolski.pl/z1/88i/19588_40.jpg http://www.filmpolski.pl/z1/88i/19588_41.jpg

Simply watch that!
I recommend!
moviegoer ;))
2007-11-20 @ 13:03:59
At Saturday I gone to the cinema for polish movie by Jerzy Stuhr 'Korowod'. I think it`s quite interesting pictures.

Director was telling story about present Poland. The plot is going on simultaneously in a few threads which are joined by main character: Bartek.
He`s a young man studying and working for tabloid as photoreporter. Bartek isn`t honest and hasn`t principles. The most important are money. He`s deceiving his university his employer and his girlfriend.

http://www.filmpolski.pl/z1/88i/19588_1.jpg http://www.filmpolski.pl/z1/88i/19588_5.jpg

One day, scenting some mistery, he`s following man which disappeared from train compartment. They gone to Bieszczady mountains where misterious man had booked some hut. When they was talking it turned out that the man was profesor at the university and he had wife and daughter. But he had to leave them and whole his life because of his past. He had feigned his death so that he didn`t want confess he had been lying his family all life...

http://www.filmpolski.pl/z1/88i/19588_53.jpg http://www.filmpolski.pl/z1/88i/19588_4.jpg
to be continued... ;)

a long, long time ago...
2007-11-14 @ 23:37:04
I was here a really long time ago. I`ve almost forgotten about you, but for luck I`ve remembered and I am :))
Today I`m trying to answer to all e-mails, GG messages and another thinks like that. It busy me for few hours, unfortunately. It`s not good because of my another activities. I should end my master`s thesis and works for my present studies. I`m really behind with them.

My guitar, about which I had written last time, was not found. I lost it and a lot of my songbooks :((

Today my mom, like almost every day, reproached me that I`m still writing my thesis and she must be nervous about it. I don`t understand her, why it irritates her more than me. This is a question ;)

At work I had meetings with youth preparing to confirmation. For me it`s interesting because they are "only" ten years younger than me and they have completely different view of world around us. Something else is important for them and they have other problems. Or maybe problems and needs are the same but they looking for answers in different way. Television, internet and other media give so many solutions that it`s easy to lost good way or never find it.
The world change faster and faster. What will it be in 50 years like?
I have many friends older than me 10 or even 20 years and it seems to me I can understand with them easier.

unhappy beginning of the week :((
2007-10-29 @ 20:09:24
I have had really wonderful weekend. I was in Kraków, I had interesting lectures and I met my friends. I even stayed there for night at my friend`s flat. At Sunday I was in Ethnographic Museum too. I simply love this city :)))

Everything would have been good if I hadn`t lost my guitar :(((. I left it in train yesterday. It`s horrble. Why are people so unhonest? I can`t imagine that I take some thing which doesn`t belong to me. So I`m unhappy because of it.

But I must say damage and become reconciled with this situation ...

Have a good week !
motivation - below zero :O
2007-10-25 @ 11:12:20
I`m frustrated.
I wrote only half a page of my thesis yesterday. It`s simply disaster and defeat !!!
I really haven`t motivation to reading this and everything is distract me. I have many better activities exactly at the moment when I should write. For example I`m writing my english blog ;))

Oh my! If I don`t write it to mid-November I`ll never write it, I`m afraid :(

OK, Maybe after this complaining I`ll pull oneself together!!!

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