Today is the day to be fed up
2011-02-15 @ 11:16:57
Do you also have one of these days when you feel completely fed up with everything every time and again? Today is the day for me. When I woke up I felt more tired than the previous evening. My eyebrows are heavy as hell, and I don't care for anything right now. The best solution would be probably to go home and fall asleep, but unfortunately it is not possible, because I still have 8 hours of work ahead.
As you can see it can be a problem, so I would like to know what do you like doing when you have a fed up day like mine. Leave your comments. Peace.

The most of all I like relaxing. I mean; I like listening to music, watching some films with English subtitles, or just lay on the floor doing really nothing, thinking about nothing, just letting myself go. Sometimes it helps, but the fact is, that we can't lose control that often to fix ourselves.
Cheers. ;)

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