Good week
2009-07-12 @ 16:44:52
This was good week. On Wenesday I pass exam ESOL 1 Literacy. Visit gym three times and done three good trainings.
I have got final written warning at work but next day I gave appeal to human resources with my letter. I was at swimming pool and beat new record 64 lines, yeeaahhh ;)
On Friday with my Girfriend we went to city center to dance. I have booked appointment with GP becose I need extra days when I will be on holiday and Gp angreed and gave me permision - yesss.
I have now dificullt moments at work so I prepare to difficult conversations with managers by watching All Mcbill with Iva, we have good fun. I awake this weekeng that employers have much more rights than in Poland and we can fight about our rights successful.
With Iva I had one bad day we try understand our behavior but something wasn`t ok. But we still want to build our relation.
I have had five days difficult so this weekeng award for me is icecreams and much sleep ;) (11)
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