I dont want to this dog:)
2007-10-18 @ 23:26:17
I decided to change look of my blog but I have some problems with the dog in a yelow sky:). How can I delete him? Its nice but I dont want to have it on my blog, simply he doesnt go with it. Yes, maybe some of you will think Im a little stupied but I really dont know how to change it. A little help...?
I respect your help in Polish, basically I would rather this way, this language in this issue couse the other way I suppose I will not understand yours advais:)
Now Im going sleep so I leave this dog in peace for today but tomorrow I will return.
Meanwhile take care of you!

well :)
For first you have to login to your account, go to the 'Configuratuon' and then delete link in the 'Your big logo' area :)
That's all. This bad dog will vanish...
have a good day :)
good morning
Well, you have the instruction ;)
I have worse problem, I can't change the colour of my blog 'cause I cant marke the circle :| weird thing.
Sometimes it seems to me that I don't need anyone, but sooner or later I find out that with other people everything can be brighter.
And pictures.
First you have to find nice picture in web,, which you want to place in your message. For example it may be from your own homepage (so I don't know if you have own homepage ;)), or for example something nice like that: http://www.ochodzita.com.pl/images/z_33.jpg. Next while you writing the message you must click on "img" and then rewrite this addres. In result you need to see something like this:
Try now if you wish :)

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