hi guys
2007-11-08 @ 20:03:35
I dont know what Im going this evening yet. I started to read "Pride and prejudice" and this book I even like despite of watching the movie before.
Yesterday I was at my friend Betty and stayed there till 12.30 pm, then she drove me home by her car. I leave not so far from her house, its about 5 km.We were watching movies, a little gossip, eating what she prepared and so on. Today morning I was so sleepy, I couldnt get up and when the has come I should stand up and go to the bathroom, and to be trully I was late at work but only a bit:)and of course when I came to work I had to just finish my make-up and so on...Fotunately my boss wasnt yet and that was very good point!

You know what am I listening to now??yes, its classical music, its a cd which my sister bought today, it was suplement of some newspaper and that cd is for children to expand their mind but I can hear it by the way.Its relaxing I think.My nephiew likes it too. He is a very sociable child:)He loves music, singing and dancing.

On the next Saturday my sister will be 24, yes she will have her birthday and this birhday will be very specific couse her friend (boyfriend I guess) will come from France. She met him when she was on her study in Germany and he promised her he will come to her birhtday. I suppose he will stay us two days, I will write sth more nearly her celebration.

Now I am going to rewrite sth of my brother's English book.I hope Iwill meet new words and grammar constructions, so now Im going for the book....
...yes, I have got it yet, now Im searching sth I can rewrite, lets think...hmmm...
"What's the big idea?
When people try to make predictions about the future, they usually get them completely wrong, like the prediction made by TJ Watson, the head of IBM, in 1943:"I think there might be a market for five computers in total in the world.", Today about 45 milion PCs are sold every year in the USA alone.
Nanotechnology is the science of building tiny machines, so small that you cannot see them. Most scientist agree that nanotechnology will change our lives in the future- but how? Its difficult to predict whether this new technology will be like a wonderful dream, or a terrifying nighmare.

In the 1966 science fiction film "Fantastic Voyage", an inventor develops an amazing new way to cure diseases.He makes a group of scientists and their submarine incredibly small and injects them all into a patient. They then travel around the body of the patient, visiting the different parts and reparing them. Of course this is just a fantasy, but the reality of nanotechnology is not very different. Scientists are already making nanobots, tiny robots that are smaller than a virus. In the future, doctors might be able to inject these into a patient and the nanobots will travel around the body and repair any damage. They will be able to cure almost every disease.

The British love sending text messages.They send more than 2.5 bilion every month.And most people now understand the language of text, with its numbers and missing letters. In fact, when a student of a Shottish school wrote an essey entirely...
Although texting is a convenient and cheap method of staying in touch with your friends, it can also bring problems. In 2005, a British teenager became the first person in the world to receive treatment for an addiction to text messaging. In one year, the nineteen-year-old spent about 4,500 L on texts. (He was sending about 700 texts a week).He was also addicted to e-mail, and sent 8000 messages in one month from his comp at work.The treatment is working well, however, and he now spends no more than 10 L a week on texts.
For some people, text messaging has changed their lives. For example James Trusler from Sussex in England travels around the world taking part in texting competitions and tv shows.He's the world's fastest texter and recently set a new world record while he was appearing on Australian tv, he texted:"....

Fortunately, he doesnt get big bills because he works for a large mobile phone company!

Its over for today.
I think I practiced English today and now Im a bit excausted because of my going to bed yesterday very late. My plans are: takind a bath, eating some fruit and sleeping till tomorrow morning.
a lot of kisses for you
take care yourself
I will be here tomorrow and I invite you to visiting my blog and reading my new posts.
See ya

Thanks for nice comment. My chemistry test is good. But English.... OMG i know that 4 is a good mark but not from English and not for me. See you!
The best for your sister.
I love book "Pride and prejudice" and the latest film too :)
the best wishes for your sister. :)

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