a return
2007-11-05 @ 19:00:19
I decided to come back.Sometimes a man has better days and sometimes worse days, I hope my worse days gone out:) and now I may to enjoy my happy time:)
When I came back home I ate a little dinner and then I took a bath. I did it earlier then usually, I just wanted to do it much.And now I may to do what ever I only want.
Im listening on youtube to song of kasia kowalska: "Oto ja", and in English its "Here I am(?)", I dont know exactly, I guess.When I was younger, I mean when I was going to primary school I listened to her songs very often and then together with my the best friend Martha were singing her songs on breaks:)at school.It was really nice."Oto ja" its my favourite song of this artist, I was loving with that song trully and that time songs werent as available as today, you know I could hear songs on the tv set, and we hadnt the station like viva or sth like that.It was really nice when you could saw her songs on tv, you know. I think we more appreciate sth which we cant get very often, usually. Her songs were unique.
The second reason of my returning is my older sister is going to register herself on sth English course and this made me a little sad, couse I know she will better than me, she is better in everything, and thats why I should practise as often as I can, as it possible.I feel a little sorry, I wish her every the best but I want to really have sth in which I could be better than her:(I suppose there is nth indeed:( So this is my motivation to learning English.
What else?? hmmm.......
Ive borrowed from a library a book which was reccomended by my friend from this site: "Pride and prejudice". I did sth wrong couse I watched a movie the first ( a couple days ago) and now I dont want to read the book with such a pleasure that I wanted before watching the movie. But it has happened and there's nth I can change. There's no come back, so I should read this book as soon as I can to borrow the next one, another romance:)
I asked my brother to take the dvd's back to a library of dvds couse tomorrow the time will come- when I should give the dvd back. I borrow them for a week and tomorrow is the last day I can have the dvds.
What next? My dad is home, he took two days off and I wish I couldnt do the same as he:( Today at work was very nice indeed but you know- you have to get up very early when outside is darkness still:) and you can only dream about warm pillow and duvet and warm bed...the true is cruel in the morning in my case of course:(
You know- always you can think- that the evening will come soon and you could go to bed again:)nice plane:)
I have watched a piece of "M jak milosc" but there's nth interesting was happening, there wasnt my favourite actors I mean Magde and Pawla and the third girl,.. oh, I know now- her name is Sylwia. I like watch them together:)where the girls both love Pawel and Pawel is only one:)They should share of him then.Yes, I like them watch, especially them.
What can I write yet?Maybe I should imagine sth topic for ex. "love" or" friendsheep" or "planes for the future" or "school" or sth different and I should write everything about this subject, maybe this is the right way, to improve my pronounciaton, to know new words and so on.So at the beginning maybe I care about "friend, friendsheep", I try toexplain to you what these words mean for me.
FRIEND: This is somebody who is your the best collegue, sb who is like half of your body, a person who you can talk everything and you're sure he never say it to anyone, a person who you trust a lot. You know he doesnt let you down at all.Who cares after you when you have some problem, who shares with you even his eat, who wants to help you in every case, you can count on him in every situation, he lends you what ver you only want, even money.Who gives you presents for your celebrations......

I will end later or tomorrow now I have to help my brother in English:))
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