And the next weekend ended
2013-03-25 @ 13:03:02
and it's time to come back to reality.
I hate this day – Monday. Sitting in work I usually think how can i take short nap. With hope nobody will notice me. I think i’m the best worker on world. :)
Excellently we've got a nice weather. Anyway the sun is shines and the roads are dry.

I go twice a week to English school and i learning the level of business. I go there only because my employer sent me on this course. I feel in there like i was absent. I have a problem with a lower level. :)
Tomorrow I will got a test. I must learn though several new words. And many strange for me times.
Keep thumbs for me. :)
See you soon.

Was there a nice weather ? Damn in here there have been snow outside since 3 weeks even though it's end of March.
Sorry Peter but i can't remind. It was so long time ago. Where are you live?

I still have got a lot of snow outside the window. I hate this situation and i still waiting when sun will appears.
Do you think the same? I greet you and i wish you nice day :)

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