Spring coming back
2013-04-16 @ 14:00:46
I love days like today when whole day shine sun and in the outdoors are many people.
During last summer i spoiled my bike. In the next weekend i must take him and repair. I hope it will be nothing serious.
I can't wait when i will sitting and drive far far away. I live on outskirts of the city where i've got a beautiful huge forest. It is the best place for people who loves active movement.
Mayby you write to me something?

What did you usually do in the weekend?

I prefer weekend...
Maybe we talk?
I have very boring time. I wont holiday but I must go to school. In the outside is sun and there is very hot, but I must learn. My life is - I thing - very boring (when I go to school).
Hi! My name's Ewelina ;) You've a lot of luck because a weather for my window is terrible and it's raining. I'm very boring. I from Poland but I live in Sweden now . I learned in four years of high school but dropped out of school in the third year because I wanted come to Sweden for my siblings and my fiance and here to continue learning and I wants fond a job.
In my weekends in Sweden I watching tv making shopping play to computer with my friends.
Thank you all for your letters.

Evelina I see you are young person and I think you are so very brave because you changed location. I envy you because i think its the best situation to learn language. I'm in similar situation like you but first i want learn English and then I want change country.
Don’t worry about weather because today I’ve got the same situation like you. It’s raining in my window. But today we have got Friday and leisure will coming soon.
When you will find free time please write my something about you.
What do you like? What do you like watching in TV. Do you have a lots of friends?
Maybe like that we will learn English faster.
See you soon.

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